Capitol Hill Community Foundation's Spring 2020 Maximum Grant Amount has been increased to $5,000!

In light of the unprecedented community needs that have arisen due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Capitol Hill Community Foundation has increased its grant maximum to $5,000 per project.

The Foundation has also amended its grant guidelines to include the funding of core operations (general operating costs) for Capitol Hill-based non-profits. This is an effort to help our community partners offset the loss of income from canceled fundraising events, etc.

Finally, to reiterate our earlier post, the Foundation has extended the grant deadline until April 27th at 6pm. If your organization has already submitted an application and would like to amend it, please contact Mark Weinheimer to submit an update to a previously submitted application.

Applications are online at


$350,000 in Grants given to Capitol Hill projects... help us decide what is "essential" for the next round of Grants!


Grant Self-Evaluations and Spring 2020 Grant Deadlines extended